I have had my 6 little chicks for 2 weeks now and they are growing every day.
I am allowed to have 6 *fowl* within the city limits. Taking my neighbor into account I passed on Turkeys,Ducks, and Geese. I read up like crazy and had a site in mind to purchase exactly what I wanted but the minimum order is 25 so that idea fell flat.
That left me having to visit the local Atwoods. I chose 3 Pullets (I know this means a girl but have not figured out the breed yet) who my 5 year old named
I also picked out 3 Bantams- the guys at Atwoods seemed to think they could identify females even though they aren't supposed to- I can't wait to see if they were right!
Captain Caveman (this is what happens when you let a man name one)
We will be working on the coop this weekend.