Tell me about yourself: I'm a designer living in London. Outside of my Shakespeare series, I work as an animator and theatre/film designer, and storyboard artist.It comes out as a multi-tasking, productive cyclone that makes messes, fueled by tea., then needs much sleep and book reading.I'm very silly and clutzy, mixed between OCD and haphazard impusiveness.
What do you create?- Whatever is needed: Drawings, paintings, product designs, animation, scenery (for stage and music vids), props (anything from upholstry to antique books, to realistic beating hearts, to corn and ham, to dead people, to holy relics), and my latest umbrella and fabric designs.In the past, I've done stained glass scuplture, lathe, carved print work, architectural drafting, roughly sewn things- curtains and costumes, and even done a little scriptwork for performance.
What inspires you?-Lush visuals like art nouveau designs, french graphic novels, beautiful bits of architecture, and espcially travel (favorites: Italian colors in Rome, buildings in Prague, Paris in general , Rhodes and Barcelona thick old walls, Irish countryside, NY skyscrapers, seaside, good food, pretty doors and windows).
How do you feel about Etsy as a venue?-As a seller it's great, very easy to use, and a supportive community. As a shopper- I hate shopping on the streets, and ebay makes me OCD with bidding worries, so Etsy is fantastic-I can give the sale to a working artist, and is really fun to use, and it's inspiring to see what folks are making. I love their graphics, and the laid back friendliness.
What is your favorite word? "fwaaar!
What is your least favorite word? "Eighths
What turns you on? Half a glass of wine.
What turns you off? Styrofoam
What sound or noise do you love? -Sound: Violin, Noise: "thwak
What sound or noise do you hate? -Loud screechy things- especially higher pitched.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? -Burlesque/nightclub singing star by night, secret agent by day.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Oh, Good! You're here. Right this way, we've got loads for you to do."